Sandi Grigg

Director of Business Development

Growing up in a small town in the foothills of North Carolina, I always dreamed of living on the coast. In my youth I was always by the water. I was raised tending a big garden and stomping around in the creek.  I spent my adolescent days on a Jet Ski or fishing on Lake James, N.C., and my friends and I would camp and hike the Linville Gorge. Attending the University of North Carolina at Charlotte I felt like I was getting out of my small-town box and living the city life; at the same time, I was getting a little closer to the ocean. Moving to Wilmington has been a dream come true, and the life I have created for myself has been a blessing beyond words. I enjoy kayaking the Cape Fear, fishing the shores of Carolina Beach, and picking up seashells and shark’s teeth wherever I am. At home I love to cook and play with my dogs in the back yard. I also enjoy DIY home improvement endeavors. No outdoor shower, fire pit or flower bed is too big of a job for me to take on. Being a part of the Carolina Marketing Company team has showed me that you really can enjoy your career. I am truly grateful to have a job I love in the city I aspired to be in. Life is grand!